WELCOME TO THE LABYRINTH: Life vs State of the Industry
Exciting News: Personal + Professional
HobbyCrochet Report
It’s August 2024. I’m 7 days back in London after seven weeks in the US. The weather oscillates between dreary rain and stifling heat. Fall whispers sweet nothings in the wind, the cygnets almost have their white plumes, and there’s been reporting of more layoffs from the major studios. It feels like these layoff announcements are as a part of nature as any aquatic bird.
No matter what area of the entertainment industry you exist in, it currently feels very Darwinian out there.
I want to say three things to those who are similarly in the trenches, no matter if you’re an audio producer, TV writer, comic artist, animation director:
You’re not the problem.
You’re not alone.
You’re doing enough.
There’s a phrase going around LA at the minute: “Survive until ‘25.” I hate it. I know some people cling to it like a lifeline, but the truth is, every year is hard. Each month brings it’s own challenges. I don’t like getting my hopes up for a thing that won’t happen.
I don’t think things are going to get better. And that’s good.
Things are changing. This is the nature of life, not just the different entertainment industries. There is progress happening, even if it doesn’t feel like it. There is so much to hope for, to look forward to on the horizon.
And, spoiler - part of that hope and change is in no longer relying on studios and networks. But the audience is still there. People still want stories. We just cannot do things the way they’ve ‘always been done’. It’s time for something new.
I’ll be getting into it later in the month. The next four weeks will have STATE OF THE INDUSTRY run downs for:
TV/Film - Spoiler: If you’re a lower level writer and your reps are pushing you to write a new pilot, fire them. Time to write that feature, babyyyyy.
Substack I really love: Leila Cohan’s Room Snacks about TV writing and snacks
Animation - Negotiations for this next contract between studios and TAG haven’t come to an agreement yet. They’ll meet again next month.
Comics - Spoiler: People keep saying comics are dying, but what that really mean is nostalgia.
Substack I really love: Honestly you should be reading Kris Simon’s Editor Girl because she’s brilliant.
Audio Drama - Spoiler: Rumors of it’s death have been greatly exaggerated.
Substacks I really love: there are sO MANY AUDIO DRAMA SUBSTACKS TO FOLLOW!
Felix Trench’s Newsletter on acting for ALL mediums but if you like audio drama then you know exactly why he’s the right person to write about this.
Gabriel Urbina’s Controlled Chaos which so many new followers came from Gabriel’s recommendation :)
David K Barnes’s Serious Whimsy
But just know that things are weird right now. Personally, I don’t think I’m going to make my monetary goal for the year. Which means finding assistant jobs, taking on non-writing work, whatever I can do to make ends meat.
There is no right or wrong decision right now. Maybe you feel like you need to go back home. Maybe you feel like you need to take a different job or career altogether. That’s okay, you have not failed.
We often let our fear in the moment rule us, creating a narrative that life is a straight line. But life isn’t linear. It’s a labyrinth.
This isn’t your fault. You are not alone. Surround yourself with others. Go to events with friends. Do non-work-related things. You are enough. You are okay. You will get through this.
Professional - Let’s start with work first. End of June I found myself in Florida for an exciting project I absolutely can’t talk about. July was SDCC, where I was on a couple panels, crammed in as many meetings as possible, and managed to only buy two meals for myself (corporate money bought the rest). And last week I signed a contractor a project I once again can’t talk about… but has been a major goal for this year.
Personal - GOT MARRIED. That’s all I’ll be saying on the topic. Except… I’m really happy.
I’ve done it. I’ve found a hobby. And, as I do with most things, I have dived in head first. The Hobby Report is getting rebranded to the Crochet Report where I can show off what I’ve been making.
Today’s Project: Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing
Part of the joy to living in London is theater. Specifically, theater at the rebuilt Globe. I saw Othello back in March and as I was wandering through the gift shop (one of my favorite past times), I found this—
I made an enthusiastic purchase, because you can only make so many sweaters and blankets. What if I gave people the gift of SHAKESPEARE CHARACTERS.
But the book sat on my shelf for months. I didn’t try to make them. I was too scared, afraid it would be too hard. Then, a dear friend came to town and wanted to see what was playing at the Globe.
It was Much Ado.
Fun Fact about Meghan: Much Ado is my favorite Shakespeare show (look for the Substack newsletter where I break down exactly why I love the show, from a writing standpoint). But more than that, Much Ado was the first Shakespeare I saw performed. I was living in Orlando, and a friend of my mom’s was a sign language interpreter (she’d do things like the Candlenight Processional at Disney, etc.). She told my mom about a theater production of Shakespeare she was interpreting. I don’t think my mom particularly likes Shakespeare, so I don’t know what compelled her to bring me, an incredibly impressionable teen, to see Shakespeare’s horniest play. But I loved it. The whole show imprinted on me, becoming a huge part of my personality. And ever since, I’ve been chasing the wonder and joy that experience brought me.
So, in honor of seeing Much Ado at the Globe, the Mecca of Shakespearean theater, I decided to make Beatrice.
For my first attempt, I think she’s pretty good! I’ve given her to a friend’s child who seems to like the doll, although she said it looks like she’s crying. So, I guess this makes her Act 4 Beatrice.
What character should I attempt next?
That’s all for this week! Next week will be State of the Industry: TV/Film.
Have a great week!
Love all this and Congratulations!!!!